Digital Signage at Optus Stadium
As part of our customised Digital Signage solution offering, R-Group assisted in the installation, programming, and commissioning of a fully controlled and customizable 4 x 3-panel array video wall through an HDMI over IP solution into the TAB outlet at the Optus Stadium. As a result, this solution to the outlet provided the customer with an economical yet robust solution in the video distribution sector.
To maximize the effectiveness of the display, we complemented this signage solution with a state-of-the-art audio distribution system within the stadium outlet.
R-Group assisted with the installation and configuration of the following for the digital signage system:
- 3 x 4 video wall TV panel array display
- Additional TV panels for other locations located within the Stadium
- Multicast system with centralized control through the use of a tablet
- Programming of the control system required to run the system with ease
Features of the Digital Signage System
- Support of up to 19 inputs
- Output to a 12-panel video wall array
- Bespoke control system with licensed software to ensure up-to-date features
- Pre-determined video wall configurations for quick setup and display
We collaborated with our preferred audio-visual partner to carry out the project, showcasing the necessary sporting content to the customer’s end users. The control interfaces were developed in consultation with the customer to ensure they met specific requirements. As a result, the included content selection was bespoke to the customers needs.
Furthermore, A customized digital signage system enables the customer to choose content for individual panels from preset video wall layouts. Tailored to their needs, the system offers easy, centralized control via a portable tablet with a simple button press.